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Do you provide tracking for my order?Yes. Once the item is sent to UPS we will send you an email with the tracking info.
Do you combine shipping if I purchase multiple items?Yes! We handle all the shipping ourselves, so we are more than happy to combine a package if it is feasible to do so. Exceptions to this would include: Too many purchases for the same package. Multiple paintings in one box compromising the safety and security of packaging. In the event that the cost to ship works out to be less than what you were charged, we will issue a refund once the item starts tracking.
Are the paintings ready to hang?This depends. If the painting is stretched canvas then yes, a wire will be added to the back and it will be ready to hang without any need to frame. You may of course decide to have it framed. We suggest finding a local frame shop, as they will have the best recommendation and skill to enhance your purchase with a frame. If the painting is on canvas board then no, it will not arrive ready to hang. This piece will need to be framed (with or without a mat) before it can be hung. We suggest finding a local frame shop, as they will have the best recommendation and skill to enhance your purchase with a frame.
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